Sunday 21 June 2020

50 Years of Model Making. ASPW StoryTIME

More than anything I enjoy making films.


  1. It's a great pleasure for me to write this testimony about how I got my Genital Herpes cured with herbal medicine a month ago. I have been reading so many comments of some people who were cured from various diseases by Dr BEN herbal medicine but I never believed them. I was hurt and depressed so I was too curious and wanted to try Dr. BEN then I contacted him through his email, he assured me 100% that he will heal me, I pleaded with him to help me out. My experience with him was great, he cured me just as he promised. He sent me his medication and asked me to go for a medical check up after two weeks of usage. I agreed with him. I took this medication and went for a check up, to my greatest surprise my result was negative, I am really happy that I am cured and healthy again. I have waited for 3 weeks to be very sure I was completely healed before writing this testimony. I did another blood test one week ago and it was still Herpes negative. Contact him through his email address: OR call, add him on Whatsapp + 2347044745704 He has Herbal cure for Diabetes, Hepatitis, Heart diseases, Hypertension, Strokes and Liver diseases

  2. Wizard Asset Recovery Service is your go-to solution for recovering stolen cryptocurrency. Their team of experts utilizes a combination of proven methods and cutting-edge approaches to combat cryptocurrency theft, leaving no stone unturned in their pursuit of justice. From tracking stolen funds to exploiting blockchain vulnerabilities, they employ a range of strategies to apprehend offenders. With an impressive track record of success, Wizard Asset Recovery Service has helped countless individuals and organizations reclaim their digital assets, providing much-needed relief to those who feared their investments were lost forever. Recognizing the importance of collaboration, they actively engage with law enforcement agencies and exchanges to share information and coordinate efforts, strengthening the fight against crypto criminals. Additionally, they are not hesitant to collaborate with other recovery specialists in the industry, pooling their expertise and resources to tackle even the most complex cases. In a world where cryptocurrency theft is rampant, Wizard Asset Recovery Service stands as a beacon of hope for victims of such scams, offering innovative solutions to protect investments and recover stolen funds. If you find yourself in a challenging situation where your digital assets have been compromised, reach out to Wizard Asset Recovery Service via email at or WhatsApp at +1 (315) 756-1228.

  3. During what should have been one of the most significant moments in my career—a major real estate transaction—I found myself in a situation I never imagined. I had misplaced my hardware wallet containing $700,000 in Bitcoin, funds I desperately needed to close the deal. The sheer panic and stress that followed were indescribable. I knew that without those funds, the entire transaction could fall apart, putting my reputation and financial stability at risk. I tore my house and office apart, retracing every step, but with each passing hour, the hope of finding that wallet dwindled.In the midst of this chaos, a business partner noticed my distress and suggested I contact Salvage Asset Recovery. Initially, I was hesitant. How could anyone recover something so crucial when I couldn’t even find it myself? But with no other options, I decided to give them a call. That decision turned out to be one of the best I’ve ever made.From the moment I reached out, the team at Salvage Asset Recovery was nothing short of exceptional. They didn’t just treat this as another job; they understood the gravity of my situation and were incredibly supportive throughout the entire process. Their approach was both professional and empathetic—they knew the stakes were high, and they made it clear that they were committed to helping me recover my lost assets.What really set Salvage Asset Recovery apart was their thoroughness. They didn’t just focus on the immediate problem of recovering the wallet; they also took the time to educate me on better practices for securing my digital assets. Through their service, I discovered several features and tools that I wasn’t aware of, like advanced tracking systems that could potentially locate lost or misplaced devices and security protocols that I should have been using all along.The waiting period was agonizing. Each day felt like a week as I anxiously awaited updates. But the team kept me informed every step of the way, explaining the challenges and the progress they were making. After what felt like an eternity, I finally received the news I had been longing for—they had recovered my wallet. The relief was overwhelming. I could breathe again, knowing that the deal could go forward and my financial future was secure.This experience was a harsh wake-up call about the importance of keeping backups and staying organized, especially when dealing with such significant amounts of money. Thanks to Salvage Asset Recovery, I narrowly avoided what could have been a financial disaster. I’ve since implemented all of their recommendations to safeguard my assets, and I can’t emphasize enough how crucial their service was in turning a potentially devastating situation into a successful recovery. If you’re ever in a bind with your digital assets, Salvage Asset Recovery is the lifeline you need. Consult Salvage Asset Recovery via below contact details. Their website is

    Email them

    WhatsApp:+1 847 654 7096
