Tuesday 28 May 2013

Andrew White leaving SA part-2

I am scheduled to leave for the UK early August to enroll my girls in school by September. Work wise, in the UK I will be close to the large non-fiction TV networks and I have a much better chance of success in getting my shows financed. However, right now,  I'm relying on a miracle of the Internet age - Kickstarter.

In their own words, ‘It’s a funding platform for creative projects. Kickstarter is full of ambitious, innovative, and imaginative projects that are brought to life through the direct support of others. Since [the] launch on April 28, 2009, over $500 million has been pledged by more than 3 million people, funding more than 35,000 creative projects.’ The way I see it is that it is helping thousands of hugely talented people get projects completed that big corporates either scoff at, or put oversized restrictions on, that it stifles the people who create them. Try and pitch an idea to the big TV network. Getting the door ajar is incredibly difficult, even if the idea is earth-orbit-altering, but with Kickstarter, if your project is really good, the viewers will decide, instead of grey-skulled management and accountants in big firms. Kickstarter is brilliant in every way, and perfect for our plans. If the fans of the shows love them as much as I hear they do, then they alone will be the ones to enjoy them. On Kickstarter, there are US and UK TV shows that have ditched their previous broadcaster’s huge contracts in favour of broadcasting their shows only on the Internet. Here, their audience can view when they want, never be bombarded by commercials, and even get to see things that the broadcaster would never dream of running. The fans actually become part of the inner circle; get what they want and not what they don’t, and get a T-shirt and a mug if it’s their thing. And the price for this luxury is no more than the price of a DVD, or a TV subscription. The way we are being entertained is changing so rapidly; traditional TV channels are being moved from lounge-based TV to the Internet. Some day soon, all TV will be internet based. There will be no need for a dish and the way TV shows are financed is changing with it. Hello Kickstarter in opening that door.

Thousands of creative projects are funding on Kickstarter at any given moment. Every project creator sets their project's funding goal and deadline. If people like the project, they can pledge money to make it happen. If the project falls short, no one is charged. Funding on Kickstarter is all-or-nothing.

ITSALONGWAY Trans-Africa is the name given to my Kickstarter project, and it will be launched mid June. We will have just 30 days to raise the funds. Fans who have already donated, and there are quite a lot of you, there is no need to donate again, just send out this message – to everyone you can think of. This may be worth much more.

What makes ITSALONGWAY special is that it is reality TV - no, I mean really real! Because isn’t adventure travel within the reach of ordinary men and women? Personally I am tired of the hype on TV right now. Is it really necessary to jump into a frozen lake and then eat a bug to prove you can enjoy the untamed wilderness?

I guess everyone has heard of Long Way Round, the crazy duo that rode motorbikes around the world – the long way. It was fantastic in every way and incredibly popular, and this is the kind of programs I like to make. As an iron-clad rule, I never set up anything and nothing is contrived. If it happens, you’ll see it. If it doesn’t, you won’t. But what does happen is real! This is where ITSALONGWAY and our slogan: Go Overland – Be Real – No Hype, comes in. We produce real Reality Adventure Travel programs without all that hype.

Keep a lookout on www.4xforum.com for the ITSALONGWAY project banner. It will ne announced here, so subscribe to this blog to get the news as it breaks. Don't miss it.

Best as always

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